Here are a few organisations, campaigns and charities which we support

If there are any which you would like to bring to our attention, feel free to contact us.

Abortion Support Network - a charity who support those who cannot legal access abortion in the countries they reside in. Offering advice, accommodation and financial support to those with limited access to abortion services.

Action for Trans Health - a network of grassroots organisations who campaign for trans people’s voices to be the heart of their healthcare.


Bloody Good Period - a charity supplying menstrual products to asylum seekers, refugees & those who can't afford them.

Daughters of Eve - a non profit organisation that works to protect girls and young women who are at risk from female genital mutilation (FGM).

Friends Families and Travellers - a UK based charity campaigning on behalf of gypsies and travellers from all backgrounds. Working with communities as well as lobbying against damaging legislation and research practices.


Keep Our NHS Public -  campaign to stop the privatisation and commercialisation of the NHS, defend against cuts and closure to services, and for universal free healthcare. 


Mary Seacole Trust - an organisation continuing and raising the profile of Mary Seacole's legacy. Campaigning for diversity and equality in leadership roles throughout the UK. 


Reclaim Holloway - a coalition of some wonderful organisations fighting for the previous prison site be used for collective good.

Sisters of Frida - bringing disabled women together, mobilising and sharing strength and knowledge through lived experience.


Sisters Uncut - a collective of UK based direct action groups opposing cuts to domestic violence services. Their Feministo is worth a read to explore progressive approaches to political organising.


SWARM Collective - a collective founded, and led by sex workers. Campaigning for the rights and safety of anyone who sells sexual services.