Love in the Time of Covid

Or, How to Care for Those Who Care During Covid-19

These are strange times we live in, last month we were told many health and social care workers were “unskilled workers” - under qualified to set foot on the shores of Great Britain (read: England).

Then this week we’re heroes - can somebody pick a lane?!

Shops have adjusted their opening hours and access to supplies to fit around our shifts. Pret a Manger* were even offering 50% off food and free hot drinks (imo I’d rather they pay their workers out their profits and encourage adherence to social distancing - but who am i?).

While free stuff is great, and it nice to have our crazy work hours acknowledged, I have a secret to tell you, we’re not heroes, we’re humans. We put our bras on one boob at a time†, we make mistakes, and we feel things.

We are about to work in conditions we never imagined and care for people in ways we are not familiar with. We will hold your hands and dry your tears, we will be your family when no one else can be there.

You want to give us (well all essential workers) something back?

Well, here is a, non-exhaustive, list of some ideas…


If you know someone working in health and social care, message them. Yes, this includes admin staff, porters, domestic team members (I could go on). We’re about to get hella busy and hella lonely so drop us a line!

If we don’t reply, keep checking in and send us updates about your pets, kids, memse, baking - anything positive! We’ll need to see the joy of humanity.


None of us know what the quarantine period will look like or how long it will last, but while you can still get to the shops ask your friendly neighbourhood healthcare workers if they need any supply picking up.

If you are batch cooking or baking Tupperware some up for us and leave it on our doorsteps. I know I’ve had shifts where the effort required to feed yourself afterwards feels like climbing Everest. Arriving home to a cooked meal or sweet treat could makes someone’s day!


So with all this time on your hands I bet you will be getting through box sets like it’s a new Olympic sport.

Share the wealth! On our days off we will need a little gentle escapism, a little hope.

Put your recommendations for series, films, podcasts, albums (really anything) up on your social media or share it with the essential workers you know, we need to use our downtime to recharge.


I’m going to be honest, we’re going to be shit friends in the coming weeks. We will forget your birthdays and significant events, between shifts we’re going to be self isolating - but please just bear with us.

Know that we love you, and because we love you we are working to help everyone’s relative and loved ones try to make it through this pandemic. It isn’t personal, it is just very very difficult. At lot of us will be using new equipment for the first time to treat a condition we have never seen before with limited resources. So yeah, we might forget your son’s birthday - but I do hope he has a blast.


Now this is the fun one where you get to be creative! Go online and order us some lovely self care goodies! I know money is tight for many many people at the moment and other people might not be your priority, but if you can then send your healthcare worker buddies some lovely toiletries, a soft pair of socks, or a craft kit (yes L, you’re welcome). Anything to make our day a little more luxurious and so we can focus briefly on our own needs.

Even better, PAY IT FORWARD - there are so many independent businesses and artists who will need to maintain cash flow. Buy gift vouchers for a nice cafe, a local beauty salon, a record store (hint hint), bookshop, delis, bars…!

Yeah, you get the picture


We all know that someone’s social situation and stability impacts massively on their health outcomes. Please at this time consider those living in food poverty, people who experience domestic violence, gypsy and traveller communities, elderly folk, people with disabilities, the homeless, asylum seekers, sex workers, prisoners (would you like me to continue?)

Social problems do not take a hiatus because there’s a pandemic on. Find your local services and donate your time or money/supplies.

Caring people who are sicker than they should be because society (government) hasn’t done enough to ensure the welfare of all is hard. Yes, we need structural change but right now we need people to survive.


Not in the sense that you need to avoid us, or because of social distancing, but to give us your space. Allow us in and listen to us, sit with us in silence and share our burdens.

I am 29 years old and have worked in care for 10 years and I am scared for what I am about to face. There are people with less life and/or clinic experience than me facing the same fear. Please give us the ability to feel that out.


Okay, it was worth a punt.


We’re not kidding around when we say Covid-19 can kill you.

Seriously, stay at home.


When all is said and done healthcare workers around the world are going to need a lot of love. We will have been stretched to our limits - physically and emotionally. Some of us may want to leave the profession, realistically some of us may be dead.

Please continue your love and consideration beyond the pandemic, we will get through this but healing and processing will take time. Give us that time.

Thank you.


*Ok, so the article is now a little out of date and now cafes are closed. I wrote it yesterday (19th March), shows how quickly things are moving.

† For those of you who don’t know this is a cheeky Bob’s Burgers reference I am in no way say that all healthcare workers have boobs. For those who got the reference, you are welcome.